Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hovis Advert

In the Bread Shop

- Late 1800s: Baker wearing old fashioned baking outfit, customer wearing Victorian smart suit, high collar.
- Wooden shelves, large old fashioned metal bread ovens.
- Boy's costume: Flat cap, dirty shirt, tie, blue waistcoat, brown jacket, trousers.


- Same costume but hat comes off as we move into the early 1900s
- People in the street in Victorian style clothing
- Horse and cart in the place of cars – shows the period
- Titanic posters – tells us we’re now in the 1900s
- Music is the same as before – same mood
- The sound is diegetic – people talking in the street, the sound of the horse etc – makes it seem real
- Mostly pans
- MLS/LS allows us to see the whole location


- Old fashioned dress, especially noticable on the women - long dresses, hats, long coats etc
- of space for the protest, clearly Britain, well off area, posh houses, quite rich women rioting - signified through costume. Man's costume looks expensive too.
- Banners, placards, let us know its the Suffrage movement.
- Protesting
- Quick pan as he runs, draws us in, makes us feel like we're there
- CU of women, still focuses mainly on the boy.


- Teenagers wearing WWI uniforms – shows us the period
- Girl is wearing a straw hat with a ribbon – again shows the period
- People watching them – feeling of patriotism
- Soldiers are holding rifles, bags and wearing uniform that are indicative of WWI
- Now have violins playing – makes the mood more sombre
- Diegetic sound – marching feet


- Comes out into world of bricks and rubble
- Foreground of corrugated plastic used to build shelters
- Chairs and furniture strewn everywhere
- Churchill's speech, "We will fight them on the beaches..."
- Old man carrying painting
- Old fashioned radio
- Runs across rubble as plane flies across

Street Party

- Runs into street party
- Union flags flying in windows, bunting, etc.
- Labels on jacket have disappeared

Football Players

- Girls in miniskirts with crazy hairstyles - The 60s
- Football fans chanting as England won The World Cup
- Union flags on car
- Boy now in striped jacket

Street with asians and TV shop

- Boys clothes change to a shirt and jumper.
- More ethnic cultures around which shows immigration.
- Tv shop conotes the popularity of TV.

Coal Not Dole Strike/Protest

- The music stops so we can hear the protesting and the man say 'hey lad, isn't it past your bedtime?'
- He is wearing a blue t-shirt with a jacket - different style of clothing - more suited to the 80s fashion
- Miner's strike in the eighties
- Large street - police on one side, protesters on the other
- Police uniforms, SWAT shields

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